OpenResty: Transforming NGINX into a Dynamic Web Platform

OpenResty is a powerful web platform built on NGINX, one of the fastest and most reliable web servers. What makes OpenResty unique is its seamless integration with LuaJIT, a Just-In-Time compiler for Lua. This combination turns NGINX from a traditional web server into a dynamic web application server capable of handling complex logic at lightning-fast speeds.

By harnessing NGINX's event-driven architecture and Lua’s flexibility, OpenResty can efficiently manage everything from HTTP requests to interactions with back-end databases like MySQL and Redis—all within a single platform.

Purpose of OpenResty

OpenResty is designed to run server-side applications entirely in the NGINX server using NGINX's event-driven model for non-blocking I/O operations among not only HTTP clients but also remote databases and services like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcached, and Redis. In this way, it makes NGINX become a dynamic web application server where it can run the most complicated application logics at a lower level but still gain extremely high performance.

In particular, OpenResty aims to present the possibility of handling a range from 10,000 to 1,000,000+ concurrent connections on a single server while combining NGINX efficiency with Lua flexibility. This scale is perfect for real-time applications with loads of traffic.

How OpenResty Extends NGINX with Lua Scripting

The OpenResty project makes NGINX an active web application server by injecting Lua scripting into different phases of request processing. With OpenResty, one can program their custom logic that directly interfaces with the NGINX modules in a non-blocking fashion. This integration also comes with various well-thought-out NGINX modules and Lua libraries, many of which are also developed by the OpenResty team themselves.

It thus allows developers to create a web application capable of efficiently handling HTTP requests, including interaction with databases, caching layers, and other backends on a single platform. OpenResty supports Lua scripting and, out of the box, allows developers to create custom content generation, routing, security policies, and even load-balancing logic-all while maintaining NGINX performance.

Getting Started with OpenResty

  1. Installation
  2. OpenResty can be installed on most operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. For example, on Ubuntu, you can install it via:

    sudo apt update  
    sudo apt install openresty  
  3. Writing Lua Scripts
  4. OpenResty uses Lua scripts to define server-side logic. A simple Lua example for returning a custom response:

    location /hello {  
        content_by_lua_block {  
            ngx.say("Hello, OpenResty!")  
  5. Configuration
  6. OpenResty configuration is similar to NGINX, making it easy for developers familiar with NGINX to transition.

OpenResty Configuration

Once OpenResty is installed, its directory structure closely mirrors that of NGINX, with a few additional components specific to OpenResty. The key directories you will interact with include:

conf/: This directory contains the main configuration files, including the primary nginx.conf file where most of the server configurations happen.

logs/: Stores server logs such as access logs and error logs. Crucial for debugging.

html/: The default directory for serving static files. It contains the default index.html file that is served if no custom configuration is added.

lualib/: A directory that holds Lua libraries, where you can place Lua scripts and modules for easy access within your OpenResty configurations.

  1. nginx.conf
  2. This is the main configuration file for Nginx, which OpenResty uses. It defines the global settings, such as worker processes, logging, and other Nginx-related settings.

    worker_processes: Specifies the number of worker processes. This is typically set to the number of CPU cores to optimize performance.

    worker_processes auto;

    error_log: Defines the location and log level for error messages.

    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;

    pid: Specifies the file where the process ID of the master process is stored.

    pid /var/run/;
  3. http Block
  4. This block contains settings related to HTTP server configuration.

    include: Used to include additional configuration files, such as MIME types and additional settings.

    include mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    log_format: Defines the format of the log entries. This is used by the access_log directive.

    log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                    '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                    '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

    access_log: Specifies the location of the access log and the format to use.

    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;

    sendfile: Enables or disables the use of sendfile() system call for sending files.

    sendfile        on;
    tcp_nopush      on;

    keepalive_timeout: Sets the timeout for keepalive connections.

    keepalive_timeout  65;
  5. server Block
  6. Defines server-specific settings such as server name, port, and location of content.

    listen: Specifies the IP address and port to listen on.

    listen 80;

    server_name: Defines the domain names that this server block will respond to.


    location: Defines how to handle requests for specific locations or paths.

    location / {
        root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index  index.html index.htm;
  7. Lua Configuration
  8. In OpenResty, Lua scripts can be executed at various stages of the request lifecycle.

    lua_shared_dict: Defines a shared memory zone for storing Lua data.

    lua_shared_dict my_cache 10m;

    lua_code_cache: Controls Lua code caching. In production, it’s often set to on.

    lua_code_cache on;

    content_by_lua_block: Specifies the Lua code to execute for handling content.

    location /hello {
        content_by_lua_block {
            ngx.say("Hello, world!")

These are just the basics, and OpenResty configuration can get quite advanced depending on your needs. You can combine Nginx and Lua settings to build powerful and flexible web applications and services.

Advantages of OpenResty

  • Performance: Built on NGINX, OpenResty is optimized for speed and can handle high levels of concurrent requests.
  • Customizability: Lua scripting allows for granular control over server behaviour.
  • Lightweight: OpenResty provides a powerful platform without the overhead of traditional application servers.
  • Rich Ecosystem: Its robust module library supports a wide range of use cases, from caching to security.

Challenges with OpenResty

While OpenResty is powerful, it comes with a few challenges:

  • Learning Curve: Lua scripting may be unfamiliar to developers new to the language.
  • Debugging: Debugging Lua scripts embedded in NGINX configurations can be challenging.
  • Community Support: While growing, OpenResty's community is smaller compared to mainstream frameworks.


OpenResty is a game-changer for developers building high-performance web applications. By combining the speed of NGINX with the flexibility of Lua scripting, it empowers developers to create scalable, customizable, and efficient solutions.

Whether you're looking to build a robust API gateway, a content delivery network, or a dynamic web application, OpenResty offers the tools to make it happen. As the demand for high-performance web services continues to grow, OpenResty is poised to become a key player in modern web development.